This weekend (Sunday) is another of foulab’s brewing days, and this one will be open to the wider world of brewing enthusiasts and beginners! We’ll be doing an examples of simple beer kits and with enough public interest, a more advanced grain brew. There will be a discussion session and a Q&A.
We’ll start at about 10:00. On average, brewing takes 5 hours +/- discussion period.
Recommended donation to help cover material costs is 10$ to 20$.

This will be an introductory workshop to soldering! In this workshop we will cover the basic idea behind soldering, what it’s useful for, and some hands on practice. Recomended donation of 20$, but no one turned away for want of money. We have 20 seats in this workshop, and it is first come first serve.
Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnd the new backend is setup!
We will have the old site up for posterity soon.

Learn how to setup a wifi access point to eavesdrop on traffic and launch man in the middle attacks on wifi devices.
Secondary goal is to learn how to intercept communications between mobile applications and their manufacturers and third parties.
Subjects covered
- Creation of a malicious access point with hostapd
- Firewall configuration with iptables
- Wireshark basics
- Man in the middle with owasp zap, mitmf and similar tools
- Loading system certificates in android (root access required)
And, as a bonus, a test run of my talk about blackbear ssh (fork of openssh to get reverse ssh shells) that I am scheduled to give at nsec.

Join us for a screening of the season finale of “Trouble” and “the very muthalovin’ best of the stimulator” and stay for an end of year party with DJ Morgan Peni and the stimulator.
Pay What You Can - No one turned away for lack of money.
Every day, more and more of our activities and communications take place online. We’ve become addicted to connectivity. To constant access to an endless catalogue of information, entertainment and engagement, all available at the click of a button. The Internet has become deeply ingrained into all facets of our lives, to the point where it often seems like a neutral appendage to reality itself – a “digital commons” where billions of global citizens hold the keys to a vast, decentralized, library of human knowledge.
But in reality, the Internet is far from neutral… and it’s certainly not a commons. The server farms and fiber optic cables that make up the Internet’s physical infrastructure are increasingly owned, operated and controlled by a small handful of incredibly powerful corpo rations. Social Media platforms have become sites of mass indoctrination and anchors of social control. Liberal democratic societies are under attack from Russian trolls. We are at the dawn of a new era in history, in which states wage covert and perpetual cyber warfare against one another, with real world consequences that are hidden and unknown.
Many of us choose to avoid these harsh truths, pleading ignorance of how technology works, and gladly immersing ourselves in the spectacle that it creates. But there are also those who are inexorably drawn to seeking out a better understanding of how the complex mechanics of power operate in our digital age… and how that power might be harnessed for our own ends.
In this month’s episode of Trouble, sub.Media talks to a number of hackers and digital security experts, as they share their experiences and offer tips on how to best to navigate the battleground of the Internet.

Perhaps, but they are probably not reading this website anyway!
In September 2016, a Deep Learning School was held at Stanford, and they generously posted their lectures online. Starting in 2017, once a week for 6 weeks we will get together at Foulab to watch and discuss the course presentations.
All are welcome to come and simply listen to the lectures, but bringing a laptop and getting into the math after the video is highly encouraged.
The schedule is subject to adaptation, but currently we plan to watch two lectures per evening, in the order they were originally presented.
Update: Here is a useful playlist of the lectures.
Vegetarian chili will be available for a small donation.
Now with a facebook event you can sign up to!
Machine learning Wednesdays will start on Jan 11, 2017. To avoid a time conflict with the excellent meetup group Papers We Love, we will take a break on the last Wednesday of each month. Thus the schedule is 19:00-22:00-Jan 11, Jan 18, Feb 1, 8, 15, March 1.

In this first edition of our new crypto anarchy series, we will talk about distributed online systems and homomorphic encryption. A key emphasis will be placed on online voting, and why it is not as hard a problem to implement securely with recent advances in crypto over the last 2 decades.
This will be a high level introduction to the subject with an emphasis on the engineering challenges of such a system. We will also show how a similar system is used at foulab to provide a reasonable degree of anonymized access control to the hackerspace.
A quick overview of a number of defensive crypto engineering design choices will also be looked at.