February is here and what better way to avoid the looming cold than joining in on these exciting Foulab events! Lets see what this month has in store for us…
Wednesday Mesh Evening - Wednesday February 5th @ 19:00 - 22:00
Looking to help with the ongoing creation of the coolest local network in Montreal? Consisting of physical nodes placed across the island this project is a great example of community hacking.
The Wednesday Mesh Evening is a Wednesday evening event dedicated to mesh networking in all its forms. From discussing it, researching and testing alternative network topologies, to practical exercises in deploying peer-to-peer infrastructure in FOULAB and around it.
This event is hosted by kryma so node-body should be missing it.
Wiki Night - Thursday February 13th @ 20:00 - 20:30
Interested in the organization of Foulab’s history and internal encyclopedia? Join eigma in tackling the ever evolving battle against out of date documentation.
Learn about the wiki and the inner workings of Foulab while in great company.
FOULAB Monthly Meeting - Tuesday February 18th @ 20:00 - 21:30
Workshop renovations, the museum expansion, and more will be discussed and decided upon at the monthly meetings. Come share your ideas for the space and weigh in on important issues. And get some pizza after.
This public night will have a special time slot for an organizational meeting. Join us to talk about FOULAB - make your voice heard on things that matter most.
Killed by Dice Presents: Three Sixteen V - Sunday February 23rd @ 16:00 - 19:00
Ever wondered what it would be like to be an intergalactic creature slaying badass? Join der_moderne_man in delving into the role playing game Three Sixteen V, where you can be that… and more.
Collaborated by the NDG tabletop roleplaying group Killed by Dice and Foulab.
Tabletop Game Night - Tuesday February 25th @ 20:00 - 22:00
Another night to play your favorite table top games with other enthusiasts. Starting as a Warhammer night the evening has been now opened to other strategic tabletop wargames and more.
With games like Melee & Wizard, Warhammer, and whispers of a Trench Crusade appearance, this is shaping up to be a night to remember.
der_moderne_man is hosting, so be sure to stop by!

Do you feel it? We’re a quarter of the way through the 21st century! Feel old yet? Suppress those feelings with some good old-fashioned hacking and making! Here’s what’s coming up in January:
Wednesday Mesh Evening - Wednesday January 8th @ 19:00 - 22:00
Tired of spending time with your family? I know I am. Join us for the first social gathering of the year! Lots of new nodes, the region’s Meshtastic coverage is booming - what a good time to mesh around this January is shaping up to be!
Join the network! Explore mesh networking in all its forms. Discuss, research, test the unknown, and deploy peer-to-peer infrastructure!
Everyone is hosting, and kryma invites you to host as well.
The network must grow! The network must grow! The network must grow! The network must grow! The network must grow! The network must grow! The network mu- (the author has been disconnected from the network)
Workshop Reorganization Planning! - Thursday January 9th @ 20:00 - 21:30
The Foulab workshop area needs some love! We have a lot of tools, both traditional (hand tools, drill press, bandsaw, air compressor, welder, etc) and modern (3D printer, CNC mills, laser cutter) but not a lot of good places to put them.
We do, however, have an excess of storage racking left over from the museum expansion, so let’s solve two problems at once and reorganize the workshop!
This is the initial planning meeting, to measure out the tools we have, propose racking layouts, and prepare for the work that lies ahead. Anyone interested in helping out is invited to attend!
Open Gaming Night - Tuesday January 21st @ 20:00 - 22:00
Starting in January, we’ve opened up the monthly Warhammer 40k gaming night to include other games. This month, der_moderne_man will bring Steve Jackson’s fantasy dueling games Melee & Wizard. Others are encouraged to bring games they want to play. Warhammer? Magic the Gathering? Risk? Mouseguard: Swords & Strongholds?
The more the merrier!
FOULAB Monthly Meeting - Thursday January 23rd @ 20:00 - 21:30
The first meeting of the year! Make a New Year’s resolution to come to this meeting and make your voice heard on things that mattermost.
Share your ideas, your projects, and your thoughts on the future of Foulab. Your input is important to our future!
Project Night - Tuesday January 28th @ 19:00 - 22:00
Project night is back! Did you work on something exciting over the holidays? Bring it to project night and show it off!
Let your creativity (and ego) shine! Practice your presentation skills, and get feedback from your peers. Talk about the great things you’ve done, and the challenges you’ve faced.
Beginners welcome! If you’re new to the space, come by and see what we’re all about. It’s a great way to meet people and get involved in the community.
Killed by Dice Presents: Three Sixteen V - Sunday January 26th @ 16:00 - 21:00
Dice shall roll. Chaos shall reign. Blood shall spill.
Find out at the fifth installment of the Three Sixteen series, a tabletop roleplaying game set in a far-future galaxy where humanity has spread to the stars.
RSVP early - spots are limited.
Can you even survive the night? Face der_moderne_man and find out.
Collaborated by the NDG tabletop roleplaying group Killed by Dice and Foulab.

2024 is almost over. Can you hear the sound? It’s the New Year coming! Here are the last events of this year - don’t miss them.
Wednesday Mesh Evening - Wednesday December 11th @ 19:00 - 22:00
The last social gathering of the year. Lots of new nodes, the region’s Meshtastic coverage is booming - what a good time to mesh around this December is shaping up to be!
The Wednesday Mesh Evening is a Wednesday evening event dedicated to mesh networking in all its forms. From discussing it, researching and testing alternative network topologies, to practical exercises in deploying peer-to-peer infrastructure in FOULAB and around it.
Everyone is hosting, and kryma invites you to host as well. Join the network!
Friday the 13th Party - Friday December 13th @ 19:00 - 22:00
Christmas is just around the corner. New Year’s Eve is just behind Christmas. But at Foulab, we do things our own way. Join us on the scariest Friday of 2024 for an official continuation of our Halloween party - things are about to get a little spooky!
This is Foulab’s year-end party - bring a happy face and some food, let’s all enjoy an evening of December festivities with an unusual twist.
FOULAB Monthly Meeting - Tuesday December 17th @ 20:00 - 21:30
The last meeting of the year is upon us! Let’s wrap up this year on a good note… is there some news about the sink I’m hearing?
This public night will have a special time slot for an organizational meeting. Join us to talk about FOULAB - make your voice heard on things that matter most.
Data Science in Python - Saturday December 21st @ 15:00 - 17:00
Time to learn some coding! AI is on everyone’s mind - and big data is how you get it done. Come join us in a tutorial that shows you the easiest ways to get started with data science and big data.
This tutorial with cover the basics of various tools and concepts in data science, and show you how to scale beyond.
Foulab’s data science expert v2thegreat will be hosting - whether you’re new to the topic or have prior experience, this workshop will give you just what you need.

November is here, and we are officially in the second year of our regular updates! Join the new events - participation is always welcome.
Debian & Stuff - Saturday November 2nd @ 10:00 - 17:00
It has happened - Debian & Stuff returns to FOULAB on the 2nd of November. An opportunity to chat Debian and the rare FOULAB open day - will you join it?
“Debian & Stuff” are informal gatherings of the local Debian community in Montreal to work on things related to Debian - or not. Come talk to us or work on an interesting project: everyone is welcome!
Wednesday Mesh Evening - Wednesday November 6th @ 19:00 - 22:00
The mesh networking struggle continues! Last month, we experimented with our first HaLow chips - this month, we’re looking to build links.
The Wednesday Mesh Evening is a Wednesday evening event dedicated to mesh networking in all its forms. From discussing it, researching and testing alternative network topologies, to practical exercises in deploying peer-to-peer infrastructure in FOULAB and around it.
As usual, kryma is hosting. Come build a new internet with us?
F0UL4B HACKERSPACE PROJECT NIGHT - Tuesday November 12th @ 20:00 - 22:00
Do you have four months’ worth of projects gestating on your shelf for too long? Are you craving a deadline to show your latest and greatest work in a big way? Good news for you, then - the project night is back.
The quarterly HACKERSPACE PROJECT NIGHT is an event dedicated to you - yes, you - and your projects. Bring your newest hobby in and show it off to an audience of hackers, or come in to watch what the rest of FOULAB has been cooking up. Either way, it’s going to be a creative blast.
Hosting the night is the legendary majir himself - folk tales say he wrote his own WASM compiler using a Lisp development environment and a can of beer.
Creative Recycling: Making Art with Scrap Material - Saturday November 16th & Sunday November 17th @ 19:00 - 22:00
Missed your chance in October? Creative Recycling returns for another round! Join the team and create some awesome sculptures with materials you got for free with food.
Creative Recycling is a semi-recurring workshop that shows how to creatively incorporate refuse plastic and aluminum into aesthetically pleasing sculpture. The workshop is entry level - students with no previous experience are welcome to attend.
Local artist stuntman (also known as @jonjonanimation) invites you to bring your creativity out. Turn your trash into treasure, today.
Warhammer Night 6 - Tuesday November 19th @ 20:00 - 22:00
Another Warhammer night! Join our lively mix of wargamers, sculptors, and 3D printers. Fight with your minifigures - or tune them up to be real fancy.
Warhammer Nights are a recurring event dedicated to the Warhammer series, and similar strategic tabletop wargames that we play over the course of an open night.
der_moderne_man invites you to fight once again - are you bad enough to take on the challenge?
FOULAB Monthly Meeting - Thursday November 21st @ 20:00 - 21:30
Last meeting was all about updates. An update on the museum and its wonderful new shelves, an update on the bathroom (being worked on). This time, let’s finish some infrastructure renovations.
This public night will have a special time slot for an organizational meeting. Join us to talk about FOULAB - make your voice heard on things that matter most.
Welding curious? - Saturday November 23rd @ 13:00 - 17:00
Always wanted to try arc welding, but the money and time commitment held you back? Worried about blinding yourself or burning the house down? Come on down and give it a try with us! We will thoroughly discuss welding safety, and explain the different arc welding processes. You’ll get to join weld some metal together and make a small project!
Required - wool, cotton or other fire resistant clothing that you don’t mind damaging. Long sleeves, long pants and closed footwear. Be ready to tie back long hair and remove dangling jewellery. Work boots not required but won’t hurt. We provide other PPE but you are welcome to bring your own. strawdog is hosting.
Killed by Dice Presents: Three Sixteen IV - Sunday November 24th @ 16:00 - 19:00
We return to another session of Three Sixteen - an easy game about being a space marine, and a guaranteed afternoon of fun for everyone participating.
This is a regular collaboration between the NDG tabletop roleplaying group Killed by Dice and FOULAB. RSVP to join us for a monthly open game - slots are limited.
With der_moderne_man playing as a ton of deadly aliens, Earth’s ambitious colonization project cannot advance without you. Join the crew!
Open-source HVAC/PPE afternoon hangout - Saturday November 30th @ 15:00 - 18:00
The first HVAC/PPE afternoon is officially a thing! Join fellow enthusiasts and talk about your achievements. Have you installed solar to passively cool your house in an eco-conscious way? Are you heating your apartment with a Bitcoin rig in the winter? Do you consider chemical warfare protection when choosing your wardrobe for the day? We want to hear it.
This is an experimental gathering with the aims to bring together people interested in air quality control, temperature regulation, and other atmospheric safety measures - whether on a scale of one person or a whole building. HVAC and PPE enthusiasts welcome - as is anyone who is interested in the topic.

October is here! We’re open every Tuesday and Thursday, 6:30 PM to 11 PM. Do I need to say more?
Of course I do. Take a look at some of the wonderful things going on at Foulab:
Wednesday Mesh Evening - Wednesday October 9th @ 19:00 - 22:00
The mesh effort returns on the 9th - we will be dissecting a highly directional router, and working on a Tor proxy.
The Sunday Wednesday Mesh Morning Evening is a Wednesday evening event dedicated to mesh networking in all its forms. From discussing it, researching and testing alternative network topologies, to practical exercises in deploying peer-to-peer infrastructure in FOULAB and around it.
Hosted by kryma as usual, this is a fantastic entry point for all your mesh networking interests. Bring your own mesh, or join one of our ongoing experiments!
Warhammer Night 5 - Tuesday October 15th @ 20:00 - 22:00
Warhammer Night returns, looking for new and recurring players alike! Who would win - ten cowboy ninjas or one giant robot? Join us in the most practical way to resolve the old playground question.
Warhammer Nights are a recurring event dedicated to the Warhammer series, and similar strategic tabletop wargames that we play over the course of an open night.
Another fight is brewing - der_moderne_man invites you to participate!
Creative Recycling: Making Art with Scrap Material - Saturday October 19th & Monday October 21st @ 19:00 - 22:00
Miss Creative Recycling yet? The team’s back, and ready to teach you how to empty your trash bin in the most unconventional ways. Put your plastic bottles to good use, get your Halloween costume going!
Creative Recycling is a semi-recurring workshop that shows how to creatively incorporate refuse plastic and aluminum into aesthetically pleasing sculpture. The workshop is entry level - students with no previous experience are welcome to attend.
Local cyberpunk and independent artist stuntman invites you to join him for two evenings of sculpture again. Come by and learn from experience - anyone can make something beautiful.
FOULAB Monthly Meeting - Tuesday October 22nd @ 20:00 - 21:30
Last meeting, we discussed a lot of potential improvements in the space - from problems with the communal sink to the ongoing resurfacing of the main tables. Those problems are being worked on as we speak - show up on the day to hear the latest updates, and maybe bring something up yourself!
This public night will have a special time slot for an organizational meeting. Join us to talk about FOULAB - make your voice heard on things that matter most.
FOULAB BIRTHDAY / HALLOWEEN PARTY - Thursday October 24th @ 18:30 - 23:00
Imagine a world without hackerspaces. Spooky, eh? Let’s have two celebrations about this. Let’s host them at the same time too.
FOULAB will be hosting a party in honour of both Halloween, and its 16th birthday! Bring a good mood and whatever food can help make it better, and let’s have fun celebrating another year of this du College warehouse we’ve all grown to love.
(And ghosts or something.)
Killed by Dice Presents: Three Sixteen III - Sunday October 27th @ 16:00 - 19:00
The Three Sixteen tour continues to the next planet. While the players are having a blast killing all sorts of new and exciting aliens, their characters are pitted against some serious threats to their well-being. Human weaknesses are uncovered, political plays at the coveted Lieutenant rank begin - oh the intrigue!
This is a regular collaboration between the NDG tabletop roleplaying group Killed by Dice and FOULAB. RSVP to join us for a monthly open game - slots are limited.
der_moderne_man wants YOU to serve Earth - will you be joining?

September… the month of going back to school, the month of Labour Day. And what’s a better way to learn, and to honour the power of your labour, than to work on a project at FOULAB?
Here’s what the locals have been cooking up:
Demonstration of Resilient Infrastructure Through Open Sessions (aka Infrastructure Night) - Tuesday September 10th @ 20:00 - 20:30
Infrastructure nights are back!
FOULAB’s Infrastructure Nights are small, bite-sized lectures and workshops on Foulab’s internal IT infrastructure - how it works, how to use it, and how to fix things that inevitably go wrong in it.
This time, eigma is showing us the internal workings of bahamut.lab - Foulab’s internal dead drop storage. Learn how to use a public resource here for you, learn how it is set up - maybe get a few ideas for a storage system of your own!
Sunday Mesh Morning - Wednesday September 11th @ 19:00 - 22:00
Mesh networking? Yessir. Routers? Yessir. Sunday morning? It’s a little bit more complex this time.
The Sunday Mesh Morning is a Wednesday evening event dedicated to mesh networking in all its forms. From discussing it, researching and testing alternative network topologies, to practical exercises in deploying peer-to-peer infrastructure in FOULAB and around it.
kryma is hosting - join us, and you’ll be hosting too. (Haha, decentralized joke - get it?)
Warhammer Night 4 - Tuesday September 17th @ 20:00 - 22:00
Time for another Warhammer night! Last month, we were stretching the definitions and learned that Zoids and Warhammer blend together better than expected.
Warhammer Nights are a recurring event dedicated to the Warhammer series, and similar strategic tabletop wargames that we play over the course of an open night.
Fighters and strategists, der_moderne_man calls upon you - we’re having another deathmatch this month. Bring your army, or borrow a veteran’s.
FOULAB Monthly Meeting - Thursday September 19th @ 20:00 - 21:30
Meeting meeting! We are hanging out, eating pizza, and discussing important FOULAB things. Things like new ACs (yay!). Things like the new more compact biolab! Things like optimizing the cans system and other chores!
This public night will have a special time slot for an organizational meeting. Join us to talk about FOULAB - make your voice heard on things that matter most.
Killed by Dice Presents: Three Sixteen II - Sunday September 29th @ 16:00 - 19:00
Three Sixteen is back! A playful riff on Starship Troopers as a tabletop RPG lets you kill all the space bugs you need. A dinosaur can be a space bug, we learned last time - who knows what else lies ahead.
Killed by Diodes is a regular collaboration between the NDG tabletop roleplaying group Killed by Dice and FOULAB. RSVP to join us for a monthly open game - slots are limited.
This time, der_moderne_man invites you to take the charge blasting aliens - drop in for three hours of sci-fi action!

August already? Time sure flies when you are having FOULAB. Let’s have more - here is how to do it.
Wiki Night - Tuesday August 6th @ 20:00 - 20:30
eigma is inviting us all once again to gather round, have a glass of fizzy water, and edit FOULAB’s history in real time.
Last month, it was the Wiki night fan club gathering together to look at polls and blogs - a month before that, we were editing orphaned pages back into the wiki graph. What will it be now? Join us for the precisely timed 30 minutes and find out!
Sunday Mesh Morning V - Sunday August 11th @ 10:00 - 13:00
The mesh networking sessions return! Join kryma and friends in making a new, hyper-local version of the Internet - where all the world is accessible from your PC, as long as your idea of the world is limited to the Saint Henri neighbourhood of Montreal.
Sunday stands for a pleasant day outside, Mesh stands for new friends and a new network, and Morning stands for having something to wake up early for. What does V stand for? Vendetta, of course.
Warhammer Night 3 - Tuesday August 13th @ 20:00 - 22:00
This evening, Warhammer rides again! Security briefcases chock-full of little plastic miniatures and a session of intense large-scale combat await you. Bring a hand-painted army or borrow one from the locals, and make your enemies pay.
der_moderne_man returns in the leading role, to put together a crew. Prepare for an unforgettable evening.
FOULAB Monthly Meeting - Tuesday August 20th @ 20:00 - 21:00
Another public night meeting? Last month, so many new faces were involved - and the reception was fantastic. Let’s do it again.
Show up during this public night to discuss FOULAB’s goings on, the new users, the projects going on at the space. Let’s all celebrate the lab, talk business, and maybe grab a pizza later.
Hydroponics 101: Intro to the Kratky method - Thursday August 22nd @ 20:00 - 21:00
It’s been a while since we had a quick rundown on the basics of hydroponic methods. Perhaps it’s high time to do it again. And what’s a better way to learn hydroponics from the Farmer of FOULAB himself, the user tlot?
Dead simple, our tech-agriculture instructor says. Put a seed in the water, make the water right, and you’ll get salad for days - no maintenance at all! Join us for an explanation. Recommended donation - $10 CAD.
FouLAN Party - Saturday August 24th @ 19:00 - 23:00
FOULAB’s gaming collective comes together for another evening! The Mario fans from this spring are ready to present the assembled collection, and the FPS aficionados are itching for a proper party.
Unreal Tournament is on the docket, our host nintendoeats promises, and they say some of the players coming are pretty damn good. Knock them down a notch - or get taught the real meaning of the word “1337”.
Demonstration of Resilient Infrastructure Through Open Sessions (aka Infrastructure Night) - Tuesday August 27th @ 20:00 - 22:00
Another infrastructure night! This night’s theme, the new Internet. Not the Sunday Mesh Morning type - we are changing our ISP and would like some input.
Quiz Night: Back to School Edition - Wednesday August 28th @ 19:00 - 22:00
August is coming close to an end, everybody! Summer break is over, school’s back in. You know what that means - time to study for the test.
Come join a fantastic game evening prepared by the Foulab professor kida - show off your knowledge of all sorts of facts about hackers and hacking in the form of a Montreal-renowned FOULAB quiz, coming back this Wednesday evening.