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Lockpicking 101 Workshop 01/03/2020
by [Baron] @ 2020-02-06 21:51:15 -0500

Sunday March 1st 2020 @ 14:00

Want to learn how to lock-pick? Want to learn how to make your own lock-pick set from free and common materials? Then come to our workshop! Foulab is hosting another lock-picking workshop where we will go over the basics of lock-picking and the making of a pick and torsion wrench out of spare parts. Details:

-The Workshop will be held at Foulab, 14:00 on the 1st of March.

-Our capacity for this workshop is 15 people.

-Ticket price is 20$.

-Duration is 2 hours, +/- a half hour

-Buy tickets here:

Cleaning Audio With Audacity
by [Baron] @ 2020-01-28 10:42:12 -0500

Saturday February 15th 2020 @ 13:00

An introduction to cleaning up with Audacity using the free audio editing program Audacity, with an emphasis on removing background noise, music, and errors. This is a 101-level workshop for audio editing.
Including a one-on-one component.

General topics to be covered (time permitting):
-Basics of hearing sound and digital audio
-Using EQ and filters to removed persistent sounds
-Techniques for making volume consistent
-Removing noise
-Isolating vocals
-Repairing clicks and pops
-Pitch and speed alteration

Date/Time: February 15th, 1PM
Length: 2 hours (instructor will be available after for additional discussion)
Cost: $30
Location: Foulab
Capacity: 12

Laptop with Audacity already installed (any operating system)
Mouse (highly recommended, we have some spares on-hand)
Files you would like to clean (optional)

Tickets available at event, or HERE

Open Brew Day! 18/05/19
by [Baron] @ 2019-05-15 12:43:01 -0400

Saturday May 18th 2019 @ 10:00

It’s time for another brew day! This Saturday! All welcome, from experienced brewing enthusiasts to complete beginners! We’ll be doing an easy kit brew as well as kombucha! Bring a few dollars to cover material costs and you can go home with your own mason jar of kombucha (which can work as starting material for your own brew!).

We’ll start at about 10:00. On average, brewing takes 5 hours +/- discussion period.

While all donations are always appreciated, if you just want to drop in for brewing chitchat and to help stir the brew no donation is needed.

Intro to Python Workshop
by [eigma] @ 2019-05-09 23:13:09 -0400

Sunday May 19th 2019 @ 14:00

This is an introductory, hands-on workshop for absolute begginers. We will start with an introduction to python, and work our way up by learning and applying basic programming concepts until we are able to make our own auto-correct program as an example.

Please bring your own laptop and install Python 3.6.5 here: No programming experience required!

Tickets on Eventbrite:

Unicorn Engine : Skills Weaponized, Recognize the Clockwork
by [Danukeru] @ 2019-02-02 20:14:23 -0500

Sunday February 24th 2019 @ 10:00

We will learn how to reverse engineer a basic buffer overflow vulnerability.
Part of this will be an introduction to fuzzing for the vulnerability, followed by how to write a piece of
modern exploit code that will work around Address Space Layout Randomization and Write/Execute Exclusion.

This will be a Windows10 focused tutorial.

Bringing your own laptop with Win10 installed in some fashion is required.

More advanced techniques will be seen as time permits.

Subjects covered:

  • Setting up x64dbg on windows, and navigating a basic binary.
  • Integrating this with unicorn engine.
  • OS end execution model for Win10 overview.
  • Exploit code and shellcode development.
  • Basic fuzzing of input through hooking the binary using unicorn engine.
  • Stretch goal: if time permits, we will leverage Z3 based SMT solvers to fuzz.

This is an advanced course.

8 hours has been assigned to the block with an hour for lunch. Finishing at 18:00.
Knowledge of at least python scripting as well as the basics of computer science is required.

A 25$ donation at the door is strongly encourged to support FOULAB.

brew day jan 2019
by [Strawdog] @ 2019-01-19 17:07:37 -0500

Sunday January 27th 2019 @ 10:00

The coming weekend brings another of foulab’s brewing days, and we are happy to welcome everyone from experienced brewing enthusiasts to complete beginners! We’ll be doing a all grain brew this time. With enough public interest, we can do a formal workshop complete with notes and presentation. Alternately we can use the stand around the brew pot and chitchat learning method.

We’ll start at about 10:00. On average, brewing takes 5 hours +/- discussion period.

For those who would like a formal presentation and notes, recommended donation to help cover material costs is 10$ to 20$. While all donations are always appreciated, if you just want to drop in for brewing chitchat and to help stir the brew no donation is needed.

Foulab Christmas Party
by [Baron] @ 2018-11-27 19:47:09 -0500

Friday December 14th 2018 @ 20:00

Foulab is having it’s annual Christmas party on the December 14th, starting at 20:00. Themes are great, and we have a small addiction to neon and retro-future stuff so wearing neon and bringing synthwave carols is encouraged.

-Bringing food is encouraged.

-We are also having a Festivus party, December 14th starting at 20:00 at Foulab, same theme.

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