February is here and what better way to avoid the looming cold than joining in on these exciting Foulab events! Lets see what this month has in store for us…
Wednesday Mesh Evening - Wednesday February 5th @ 19:00 - 22:00
Looking to help with the ongoing creation of the coolest local network in Montreal? Consisting of physical nodes placed across the island this project is a great example of community hacking.
The Wednesday Mesh Evening is a Wednesday evening event dedicated to mesh networking in all its forms. From discussing it, researching and testing alternative network topologies, to practical exercises in deploying peer-to-peer infrastructure in FOULAB and around it.
This event is hosted by kryma so node-body should be missing it.
Wiki Night - Thursday February 13th @ 20:00 - 20:30
Interested in the organization of Foulab’s history and internal encyclopedia? Join eigma in tackling the ever evolving battle against out of date documentation.
Learn about the wiki and the inner workings of Foulab while in great company.
FOULAB Monthly Meeting - Tuesday February 18th @ 20:00 - 21:30
Workshop renovations, the museum expansion, and more will be discussed and decided upon at the monthly meetings. Come share your ideas for the space and weigh in on important issues. And get some pizza after.
This public night will have a special time slot for an organizational meeting. Join us to talk about FOULAB - make your voice heard on things that matter most.
Killed by Dice Presents: Three Sixteen V - Sunday February 23rd @ 16:00 - 19:00
Ever wondered what it would be like to be an intergalactic creature slaying badass? Join der_moderne_man in delving into the role playing game Three Sixteen V, where you can be that… and more.
Collaborated by the NDG tabletop roleplaying group Killed by Dice and Foulab.
Tabletop Game Night - Tuesday February 25th @ 20:00 - 22:00
Another night to play your favorite table top games with other enthusiasts. Starting as a Warhammer night the evening has been now opened to other strategic tabletop wargames and more.
With games like Melee & Wizard, Warhammer, and whispers of a Trench Crusade appearance, this is shaping up to be a night to remember.
der_moderne_man is hosting, so be sure to stop by!