August already? Time sure flies when you are having FOULAB. Let’s have more - here is how to do it.
Wiki Night - Tuesday August 6th @ 20:00 - 20:30
eigma is inviting us all once again to gather round, have a glass of fizzy water, and edit FOULAB’s history in real time.
Last month, it was the Wiki night fan club gathering together to look at polls and blogs - a month before that, we were editing orphaned pages back into the wiki graph. What will it be now? Join us for the precisely timed 30 minutes and find out!
Sunday Mesh Morning V - Sunday August 11th @ 10:00 - 13:00
The mesh networking sessions return! Join kryma and friends in making a new, hyper-local version of the Internet - where all the world is accessible from your PC, as long as your idea of the world is limited to the Saint Henri neighbourhood of Montreal.
Sunday stands for a pleasant day outside, Mesh stands for new friends and a new network, and Morning stands for having something to wake up early for. What does V stand for? Vendetta, of course.
Warhammer Night 3 - Tuesday August 13th @ 20:00 - 22:00
This evening, Warhammer rides again! Security briefcases chock-full of little plastic miniatures and a session of intense large-scale combat await you. Bring a hand-painted army or borrow one from the locals, and make your enemies pay.
der_moderne_man returns in the leading role, to put together a crew. Prepare for an unforgettable evening.
FOULAB Monthly Meeting - Tuesday August 20th @ 20:00 - 21:00
Another public night meeting? Last month, so many new faces were involved - and the reception was fantastic. Let’s do it again.
Show up during this public night to discuss FOULAB’s goings on, the new users, the projects going on at the space. Let’s all celebrate the lab, talk business, and maybe grab a pizza later.
Hydroponics 101: Intro to the Kratky method - Thursday August 22nd @ 20:00 - 21:00
It’s been a while since we had a quick rundown on the basics of hydroponic methods. Perhaps it’s high time to do it again. And what’s a better way to learn hydroponics from the Farmer of FOULAB himself, the user tlot?
Dead simple, our tech-agriculture instructor says. Put a seed in the water, make the water right, and you’ll get salad for days - no maintenance at all! Join us for an explanation. Recommended donation - $10 CAD.
FouLAN Party - Saturday August 24th @ 19:00 - 23:00
FOULAB’s gaming collective comes together for another evening! The Mario fans from this spring are ready to present the assembled collection, and the FPS aficionados are itching for a proper party.
Unreal Tournament is on the docket, our host nintendoeats promises, and they say some of the players coming are pretty damn good. Knock them down a notch - or get taught the real meaning of the word “1337”.
Demonstration of Resilient Infrastructure Through Open Sessions (aka Infrastructure Night) - Tuesday August 27th @ 20:00 - 22:00
Another infrastructure night! This night’s theme, the new Internet. Not the Sunday Mesh Morning type - we are changing our ISP and would like some input.
Quiz Night: Back to School Edition - Wednesday August 28th @ 19:00 - 22:00
August is coming close to an end, everybody! Summer break is over, school’s back in. You know what that means - time to study for the test.
Come join a fantastic game evening prepared by the Foulab professor kida - show off your knowledge of all sorts of facts about hackers and hacking in the form of a Montreal-renowned FOULAB quiz, coming back this Wednesday evening.

July’s come, and 2024 is half over already! Got anything planned for this year? Do it! At FOULAB.
Fan Wiki Night - Tuesday July 2nd @ 20:00 - 20:30
Another wiki night! eigma is leading the party only in spirit - let’s band together and self-organize to get our internal encyclopedia all dressed up nice and clean.
It’s good when the documentation is good and relevant - let’s save FOULAB by making sure it stays that way.
Sunday Mesh Morning IV - Sunday July 7th @ 10:00 - 13:00
kryma and the mesh network team invite you to get funky with your networking once again. Sunday Mesh Morning IV straight into your veins - don’t miss the opportunity!
This month, featuring FOULAB websites getting on the mesh and the jankiest mobile data plan that has ever grazed Montreal.
Warhammer Night Strikes Back - Thursday July 11th @ 19:00 - 21:00
Warhammer nights are getting into full swing. Some official, some ad-hoc - they say running a little plastic army every once in a while is the best treat you can get.
der_moderne_man and the team are hosting again. Come join us, we’re military generals out there.
FOULAB Monthly Meeting - Tuesday July 16th @ 20:00 - 22:00
Meeting meeting! During a public night nonetheless. Let’s shake the formula up a little.
Come and discuss the new Internet plan, museum progress, and anything else that’s been happening around the lab that you may want to bring up. Decisions will be made, pizza will be had!
Demonstration of Resilient Infrastructure Through Open Sessions (aka Infrastructure Night) - Tuesday July 23rd @ 20:00 - 22:00
Another outage has happened at Foulab! Or will happen. Let’s join eigma and the ministry of infrastructure, and butt our heads together to fix a difficult problem surgically implanted into the lab’s network.
What a good way to learn about system administration, and its specifics at our space. Problems being fixed by hackers - you love to see it. Problems being fixed by you - you’ll love to do it.
F0UL4B HACKERSPACE PROJECT NIGHT - Thursday July 25th @ 20:00 - 22:00
Three months have passed, and it’s time for ANOTHER PROJECT NIGHT!
You’ve been hacking away and making a sick new prototype you’re eager to share with FOULAB? You’ve been interested in what a hackerspace actually does? ‘Tis the day for demos - come get your fill.
Over two hours, watch people’s pet projects get proudly presented, or join yourself to demonstrate a device you’ve developed. Perfect celebration of hacker culture - and of all the new inventions too!
Hosted by an old friend of Foulab, this event is sure to be a blast.

FOULAB Party - Monday July 1st @ 15:00 - 23:00
There’s going to be a FOULAB PARTY on July 1st! What’s a better way to spend a public holiday than hanging out with fellow hackers? The theme is summertime - beach, barbeque, solar panels? Make of that what you will.
Bringing food and drink to share is encouraged.

June has come - and with it, the summer has started! Feeling the heat yet? That’s a fantastic new month the lab is cooking up.
Sunday Mesh Morning III - Sunday June 5th 9th @ 10:00 - 13:00
An ongoing exploration of mesh networking and decentralized infrastructure hosted by none other than kryma and the team.
Come join the crew - get mesh networking software on your laptop, and maybe even set a piece of lab infrastructure up!
Warhammer Night - Tuesday June 11th @ 19:00 - 21:00
A community of Warhammer enthusiasts is slowly assembling at Foulab. Seems those minis are just irresistible, huh?
Come join der_moderne_man’s charge to secure a little event for the tiny plastic soldier appreciators. 3D prints and plamods welcome!
FOULAB Monthly Meeting - Saturday June 15th @ 15:00 - 17:00
Meeting time! Let’s get some pizza going and discuss how the lab has been running so far. Make your voice heard - members, users, and the Foulab public is welcome and encouraged to attend!
Among topics to discuss are upcoming conferences and conventions, making the space all nice, and potential new projects to integrate into the lab.
Killed by Dice Presents: Three Sixteen - Sunday June 16th @ 16:00 - 19:00
der_moderne_man, Foulab’s resident game master and Killed by Dice operator, brings a Space Marine sort of adventure to the lab. Fight with honor and fulfil your duty as a citizen in a tabletop RPG heavily inspired by Starship Troopers. Enlist today on Eventbrite - spots are limited!
Wiki Night - Tuesday June 18th @ 20:00 - 20:30
The Wiki Night has been going great! Last time, we were connecting isolated pages to the main Foulab wiki graph. Want to do some documentation in a cool way? Join our documentation overlord eigma for the most fun 30 minutes you can have with a community-run encyclopedia.
Demonstration of Resilient Infrastructure Through Open Sessions (aka Infrastructure Night) - Tuesday June 25th @ 20:00 - 22:00
One system administrator is too little for a big thing like Foulab. You can be a system administrator, too! Join eigma and a few other interested parties as we train green rookies and pros alike to become hardened hackerspace maintainers.
Another event is to be announced later in the month.

May is upon us! Let’s start with a big announcement.
FOULAB Does Gamedev v1 - a month-long SMBX level design collab
With support of four generous sponsors, we are launching a month-long platformer game collab fest.
Your goal is simple. Make a level for a classic platformer game, the first work of the famous indie developer Redigit, Super Mario Bros. X.
You can download the game here. (A faithful Linux port with a lesser editor is available here, and a fan-made continuation lives on here )
Why make a level? Well, it has been agreed that for every unique Foulaber that makes a level*, each of the sponsors will pitch in $5 to the lab - a total of $20. Twenty dollars - and your mark on a grand piece of Foulab art. Want to support the space and flex your creative muscles in the meantime? Get making! Don’t want to do that? Get your friends making! We are situated in the ~UUDDLRLRBAStart channel in Mattermost.
(*donation extends up to a maximum of 20 participants involved)
The work will be released as a collab album later in the year.
Sunday Mesh Morning II - Sunday May 5th @ 10:00 - 13:00
kryma and the mesh team are up to their usual again. Join a team of ragtag enthusiasts and make computers talk to each other.
We will install Linux on new routers, and try to get a nice high-speed Foulab node for our local network project KULUPU. Join us?
Intro workshop for FOULAB Does Gamedev v1 - Tuesday May 7th @ 19:30 - 21:00
How do I join Foulab Does Gamedev? Can I make a level, too? What’s a mario?
Let’s answer those questions together - drop by our space with a laptop for a quick run-through of how to install the collab game, how to navigate the gameplay and the editor controls, and even how to make a small level yourself! Any OS welcome.
FOULAB Monthly Meeting - Saturday May 11th @ 15:00 - 17:00
An inside look at FOULAB’s kitchen awaits you at this meeting. Join as as we discuss administrative details and all sorts of nitty-gritty operation that keeps the lab running, and the nights open.
No need to be a member, or even register! Sit in and learn about the lab’s day-to-day - or make your opinions known!
Scrap Sculpture Workshop II - Tuesday May 14th @ 19:00 - 23:00
By popular demand, the sculpture workshop from February returns! stuntman, our local artist and part-time mech, presents another workshop on turning plastic scrap into art. Come and make something beautiful - walk-ins welcome!
Killed by Dice Presents: InSpectres - Sunday May 19th @ 16:00 - 19:00
Killed by Dice and der_moderne_man return with another banger. Have you ever seen Ghostbusters? Up for a light-hearted, hilarious tabletop RPG featuring a squad of paranormal exterminators out on a mission?
Meet up with old friends, connect with new ones. This is the perfect event for someone new to Foulab - or even to Montreal! Tickets are limited - register here if you’d like to attend!
Edited to amend: the correct date is May 19th, not 26th as mistakenly published before.
Wiki Night - Tuesday May 21st @ 20:00 - 20:30
FOULAB’s infrastructure operator and archivist eigma invites you for another wiki night - where we read the articles of the wiki of old, and write new ones as we see fit. Join our thirty-minute flow of information - let’s document the lab!
We’ll also be visiting OSHWA - a summit for open hardware artists and hobbyists taking place this month in Montreal. Swing by our booth!

It’s finally Spring proper! Even though the weather outside might say otherwise. What’s going on at Foulab? Something new, as usual. Come explore this month’s selection of things for a local hacker to do.
Cleaning day + FOULAB Monthly Meeting - Saturday April 6th @ 10:00 - 19:00
The time has come! Let’s get together and give the space a clean so big it lasts a year, if not more. Everyone is welcome to attend - it’s a commonly known fact that doing something good with others energizes like nothing else.
Starting from 3PM, we plan to take a break for a FOULAB meeting. Topics of discussion are logistics - and at last, the unveiling of the grand museum project. Do come by - even if you’re not an active Foulaber!
Sunday Mesh Morning - Sunday April 7th @ 09:00 - 12:00
A brief, low-key event with FOULAB’s mesh networking enthusiasts hosted by kryma. Come play with OpenWRT hardware and learn about Montreal’s WiFi mesh projects - from Reseau Libre to KULUPU to our little in-house Bobcat chatbot.
Wiki Night - Thursday April 11th @ 19:00 - 20:30
Ever wondered what the lab was originally built around? Ever wanted to go for a dive deep into the space’s history?
FOULAB’s infrastructure specialist eigma shows and tells about the layers of the newly reconstructed FOULAB wiki. Come join - both readers and writers welcome.
Killed by Dice Presents: Mothership Returns - Sunday April 21st @ 16:00 - 19:00
Our tabletop friends at Killed by Dice, led by der_moderne_man, bring you another fantastic roleplay event. This time, we’re returning to the cold space and dark halls of Mothership - a terrifying science fiction RPG that will see you battling horrors among the unblinking stars. As usual, please register on Eventbrite if you’d like to join - spots are limited!
FOULAB Project Night - Thursday April 25th @ 19:30 - 21:30
It’s the event everyone’s been waiting for! A chance to show off your coolest and most ingenious projects of the month, or to admire the ones brought by others. Join a celebration of the hacker spirit, hosted by none other than Mr. X of Foulab himself - the executive member idefix. Bring your own project if you want to show it. Don’t have one? You’re welcome to come look, too.
A special mention also goes out to our friends at OSHWA - a summit for open hardware artists and hobbyists taking place just next month in Montreal. Come give them a visit - the lineup features plenty of clever hardware hacks that are sure to be a delight.
Hi, all.
The more involved of you may remember that insuring the lab, and keeping it insured, is no easy task. This time, to keep rates manageable, our partner organization has required us to re-evaluate our public image. From now on, we have been asked to refrain from using a certain term that describes illegal cybersecurity bypassing. This term is banned from our Mattermost starting now; we are working on updating the site content.
The rest of the Fablab experience is not expected to change much. It’s still a makerspace, so you’ll be able to build projects, hang out, and socialize with your peers just like before.
Have a nice spring, everyone!