November is here, and we are officially in the second year of our regular updates! Join the new events - participation is always welcome.
Debian & Stuff - Saturday November 2nd @ 10:00 - 17:00
It has happened - Debian & Stuff returns to FOULAB on the 2nd of November. An opportunity to chat Debian and the rare FOULAB open day - will you join it?
“Debian & Stuff” are informal gatherings of the local Debian community in Montreal to work on things related to Debian - or not. Come talk to us or work on an interesting project: everyone is welcome!
Wednesday Mesh Evening - Wednesday November 6th @ 19:00 - 22:00
The mesh networking struggle continues! Last month, we experimented with our first HaLow chips - this month, we’re looking to build links.
The Wednesday Mesh Evening is a Wednesday evening event dedicated to mesh networking in all its forms. From discussing it, researching and testing alternative network topologies, to practical exercises in deploying peer-to-peer infrastructure in FOULAB and around it.
As usual, kryma is hosting. Come build a new internet with us?
F0UL4B HACKERSPACE PROJECT NIGHT - Tuesday November 12th @ 20:00 - 22:00
Do you have four months’ worth of projects gestating on your shelf for too long? Are you craving a deadline to show your latest and greatest work in a big way? Good news for you, then - the project night is back.
The quarterly HACKERSPACE PROJECT NIGHT is an event dedicated to you - yes, you - and your projects. Bring your newest hobby in and show it off to an audience of hackers, or come in to watch what the rest of FOULAB has been cooking up. Either way, it’s going to be a creative blast.
Hosting the night is the legendary majir himself - folk tales say he wrote his own WASM compiler using a Lisp development environment and a can of beer.
Creative Recycling: Making Art with Scrap Material - Saturday November 16th & Sunday November 17th @ 19:00 - 22:00
Missed your chance in October? Creative Recycling returns for another round! Join the team and create some awesome sculptures with materials you got for free with food.
Creative Recycling is a semi-recurring workshop that shows how to creatively incorporate refuse plastic and aluminum into aesthetically pleasing sculpture. The workshop is entry level - students with no previous experience are welcome to attend.
Local artist stuntman (also known as @jonjonanimation) invites you to bring your creativity out. Turn your trash into treasure, today.
Warhammer Night 6 - Tuesday November 19th @ 20:00 - 22:00
Another Warhammer night! Join our lively mix of wargamers, sculptors, and 3D printers. Fight with your minifigures - or tune them up to be real fancy.
Warhammer Nights are a recurring event dedicated to the Warhammer series, and similar strategic tabletop wargames that we play over the course of an open night.
der_moderne_man invites you to fight once again - are you bad enough to take on the challenge?
FOULAB Monthly Meeting - Thursday November 21st @ 20:00 - 21:30
Last meeting was all about updates. An update on the museum and its wonderful new shelves, an update on the bathroom (being worked on). This time, let’s finish some infrastructure renovations.
This public night will have a special time slot for an organizational meeting. Join us to talk about FOULAB - make your voice heard on things that matter most.
Welding curious? - Saturday November 23rd @ 13:00 - 17:00
Always wanted to try arc welding, but the money and time commitment held you back? Worried about blinding yourself or burning the house down? Come on down and give it a try with us! We will thoroughly discuss welding safety, and explain the different arc welding processes. You’ll get to join weld some metal together and make a small project!
Required - wool, cotton or other fire resistant clothing that you don’t mind damaging. Long sleeves, long pants and closed footwear. Be ready to tie back long hair and remove dangling jewellery. Work boots not required but won’t hurt. We provide other PPE but you are welcome to bring your own. strawdog is hosting.
Killed by Dice Presents: Three Sixteen IV - Sunday November 24th @ 16:00 - 19:00
We return to another session of Three Sixteen - an easy game about being a space marine, and a guaranteed afternoon of fun for everyone participating.
This is a regular collaboration between the NDG tabletop roleplaying group Killed by Dice and FOULAB. RSVP to join us for a monthly open game - slots are limited.
With der_moderne_man playing as a ton of deadly aliens, Earth’s ambitious colonization project cannot advance without you. Join the crew!
Open-source HVAC/PPE afternoon hangout - Saturday November 30th @ 15:00 - 18:00
The first HVAC/PPE afternoon is officially a thing! Join fellow enthusiasts and talk about your achievements. Have you installed solar to passively cool your house in an eco-conscious way? Are you heating your apartment with a Bitcoin rig in the winter? Do you consider chemical warfare protection when choosing your wardrobe for the day? We want to hear it.
This is an experimental gathering with the aims to bring together people interested in air quality control, temperature regulation, and other atmospheric safety measures - whether on a scale of one person or a whole building. HVAC and PPE enthusiasts welcome - as is anyone who is interested in the topic.