Happy New Year! Foulabers are organizing some fresh new events - come join us!
Macintosh Day Trivia Night - Wednesday January 24th @ 19:00 - 22:00
Macintosh Day is right around the corner. And not just any Macintosh day - 24th of this January marks a 40-year birthday of the system itself, the original Apple Macintosh!
Come join us for a special trivia night celebrating the device’s history, hosted by none other than our very own kida - with the potential help of a fellow Macintosh historian kattheborg no less! Last time was a blast - we think swinging by the lab for this one is a very good idea.
FOULAB Monthly Meeting - Saturday January 27th @ 15:00 - 17:00
Our monthly organizational meeting - the first in 2024! Foulab business will be decided, members will be sworn in.
Interested in demystifying a little of the lab for yourself? Want to coordinate a gathering of your own? It’s the secret society event to be at.
Killed by Dice Presents: Cyberpunk - Sunday January 28th @ 15:00 - 19:00
der_moderne_man’s Killed by Dice, a regular organizer of our staple tabletop gaming events, returns for another exciting sci-fi one shot. We are going to be playing the original Cyberpunk tabletop RPG - and you are invited!
Click here to RSVP. Slots are limited.